发布时间:2022-03-25 19:37
ivyGoal是一家国际知名学校,总部在美国,全世界的各大城市都有分校,学校成立于2012年,由加州著名教育家Nick Ni创建,ivyGoal国际教育致力于6岁到18岁青少年英语阅读和写作,英语数学,成人英语等方面的课程,并经过多年的研究和开发,创建了适合华人的教学课程体系,经过多年的反复修改完善,最终实现了世界第一个教学保证,学习40个单元就能进步一个学年的卓越成绩,新生一年内赶上英语国家的孩子。
经过10几年的努力,我们的英语课件已经被美国多个学校市政府选为合作伙伴:Hillborough,Burlingame, Foster City, Belmont, Saratoga, San Mateo.学校授课地点:Notre Dame Belmont私校高中,Crosspoint Academy学校,Bodwell私立局中等.
ivyEuro 英语课程及服务分为:英语全方位,英语语法和写作,Sat.托福考试,大学申请
以美国教学大纲CommonCore为基础, 集单词,语法,阅读,写作为一体,全方位穿插互动的英文教学,极大的提高了学习效率。同时根据华裔学生单词,语法和写作弱的特点,针对性教学。
环环相扣,互相穿插。高强度, 却没感觉。
ballad, caravan, exotic, flourish, lure, sensation, monarch, reign, acquaintance, inherit, microorganism, decay, inundate, encompass, enigma, arid, Vandalism, Detract, Accommodate.
An Introduction to Caves
Caves are found in nearly every region around the world. Caves are full of geological wonder and interesting life forms. Spelunkers are individuals who explore and study caves and larger caves, known as caverns, as a hobby. Many caves are subterranean, meaning that they are underneath the ground, while others are above ground and inside of mountains.
The inside of a cave can be very dark, but also very interesting. Hanging from the ceiling of a cave are often stalactites. These are pointed pieces of rock that hang down from a roof of a cave. They are formed by dripping water, which contains dissolved minerals. Stalagmites are similar. They are pointed pieces of rock that stick up from the floor of a cave, while formed by dripping water which contains dissolved minerals. Caves are also known to have large quantities of calcite which is a natural chemical consisting of calcium.
The walls of the cave are often home to different animals, such as snakes and bats. These animals can make homes in the crystallized formations on the wall. Caves are safe places for bats to sleep in because most of their predators cannot reach them while they’re hanging upside down. Often these walls and floors of the caves are made of pure limestone, which is a common material for building. Many of the famous buildings in America are built with limestone. This material can be slippery when sufficient water has evaporated from the cave.
Plotting to Overtake the Castle
The town of Ozwaldo was ruled by an evil monarch, King Peter who reigned with absolute power over the land for 25 years. The taxes and severe punishments that he instituted irritated the people of the town greatly. The King’s reputation for violence and unfair laws caused a tremendous disturbance in the town. The townspeople were constantly living in fear. Any little wrong thing they do could ruin the rest of their lives and the lives of their family. One day King Peter was in town and a carpenter did not greet the King with enthusiasm, so he was sentenced a year in prison. People were outraged; the King hasn’t done anything worthy of mention in the past 25 years to deserve any type of respect or fanaticism from his citizens.
As the town’s people became increasingly angry at King Peter, they decided to begin secretly meeting to plot against the King. They elected a leader, George Adams, who had military training and experience leading an army. George Adams began to plan an invasion of King Peter’s castle but warned that he would be greatly endangering the town’s people that volunteered to join him. King Peter has a small army to defend him but with all of the angry and frustrated people of Ozwaldo, the town should have the numbers on its side. Adam’s plan was to invade the castle under the cover of a dense fog, just as King Peter did 25 years prior. The biggest challenge now was to not arouse suspicion among the monarch or his staff.
Please fix the following sentences & paragraphs
1. Make sure that proper tense is applied.
2. Make sure the comma is used in the right place.
3. Be careful with the subject and verb agreement.
4. Please change or add any sentences to improve the whole paragraph.
1. My mom really like to listening to some ballad music and is almost her birthday so I want to get her a ballad CD for her. I found a agency for old cd’s and they told me they don’t sell ballad cd anymore, so I went to another store bought her a luxury perfume.
2. I went skydiving last Friday It was really fun. It was at Santa Cruz. We drove 40mins to get there and I was kinda tired, but whenever I think about skydiving, I get really enthusiastic and it turned out to be really fun. I would for sure go again.
3. Last summer I went to Japan with my family, I had a lot of fun and saw so many cool things. It was mid-July, my family decide to go on a vacation for a week, and I said let's go to Japan, they agreed. I went home to pack up my clothes but I didn't know what was the temperature in Japan, so I put all kinds of clothes in to my bag and I was ready to go to Japan!
4. The first day we got there we were all tired so we did not go anywhere, we all stayed in the hotel. Soon I start feeling hungry, I really want some food and I found a Ramen shop that smells really nice. I went in asked the owner what should I get since I new, and he recommend the pork miso ramen to me. I had no idea what it was at the time but I told myself try it out and maybe I would like it.
5. The ramen turn out amazing; the noodles was so chewy; and the soup was so delicious too. That was the first day of the trip after we went hiking and did a lot of fun stuff. I really enjoyed the time I was in Japan I would definitely visit again.
Imagine we did not need to sleep anymore. What would you do with the extra time? Why?
1. Please use at least three words from the list:
hibernate, accurate, expand, inundate, process, fatality, flee, encourage, prevent, determine
2. Try to use participle clauses in your essay.
Sample sentence: Given the extreme temperatures of their habitat, an accurate number of the polar bear population is difficult to calculate.
3. The essay should be comprised of 3-4 paragraphs and around 260 words.
4. If examples are used, please specify numbers or details.
4.写作以文章和阅读感想为主(essays and book reports).
8.目前的学生大部分是7-11年级。 现在的5-6年级的学生是从4-7年级的基础班升上来的。
4-7 和6-10 的课程对比
Unit one is about the human body. We learned how our lungs help us _______ (verb 2)
In unit two, we read about sea animals and fish. One of our experiments taught us how fish use their fins and gills. They use their fins to swim and their gills to breathe. In unit three, we studied magnets (3) We put pennies in the bottom of a jar and used a magnet to get them out. In unit four, we studied the properties of liquids. We examined thick (4) and thin liquids. Our teacher told us to bring sample liquids from home. It is part of our test. I am bringing corn syrup (5) or my thick liquid and soda for my thin liquid. I hope I chose the right liquids. I want a good grade on my test.
“But consider your daughters. Only think what an establishment it would be for one of them. Sir William and Lady Lucas are ___________(adjective 4) to go, merely on that account (for that reason), for in general, you know, they visit no newcomers. Indeed you must go, for it is crucial and will be impossible for us to visit him if you do not.”
“You are over-scrupulous(5) urely. I dare say Mr. Bingley will be very glad to see you; and I will send a few lines by you to assure him of my hearty consent(6) to his marrying whichever he chooses of the girls; though I must throw in a good word for my little Lizzy.”
4种现在时。Present Simple, Present Continuous, Present Perfect, and Present Perfect Continuous.
2种将来时。Future Simple and Future Continuous.
7种过去时。Past Continuous, Past Habitual, Past Intensive, Past Future, Past Perfect, and Past Perfect Continuous.
主语和谓语动词的一致性。Subject and verb agreement.
主动语气和被动语气。Active and passive voices.
大小写。4 basic rules of capitalization and 3 exceptions.
Identify keywords in the prompt.
Please write a title.
Please write a hook.
Please write an outline: introduction, 1-3 body paragraphs topic sentences, and conclusion.
Prompt: If there was one talent you wish you had, what would it be and why?
Keywords Example: talent and why.
Title Sample: I wish I could fly
Hook Sample: Do you want to travel with ultimate freedom?
Introduction: Amidst the uncertainty of the Coronavirus epidemic, I wish I could fly to my desired destinations, not taking a risk of catching the virus and without paying any money for transportation.
Body 1 Sample: I planned to visit New York this month and participate in a ballet competition, but now I am locked down at home.
Body 2 Sample: The virus is very dangerous and so many people are catching it through close social contacts. If I could fly, then no one would be close enough to pass the virus to me.
Body 3 Sample: Travelling costs a lot of money. Once my father told me that he spends about $400 / month on gas.
Conclusion Sample: Wouldn't it be great to go to places anytime you like and pay nothing? I wish I had the talent to fly so that I could be free and save my father’s travel and money. More importantly, Coronavirus cannot catch me in the sky.
因为英文的单词有7-8万,远远超过中文5千个字左右。比如:中文“手机”,是“手”和“机”组合,英文是Phone. 英文总体而言不是一个组合语言。英文单词量太大,学生一般背不了。常常背了就忘。
SAT 1, 2, 3高中英文基础课
Students are expected to complete 1 hour of homework per week in order to successfully complete the course.
Lesson Instruction:
Students will log into ivyGoal’s Zoom online classroom and study with us by following ivyGoal’s rigorous program.
Grammar Skills Covered
Advanced tenses: Present Perfect and Past Perfect.
Subject and verb agreement.
Advanced singular and plural identification in composite sentences.
Subject and verb identification in composite sentences.
Conjunctions (however, in addition, indeed, nonetheless, whereas, whereby, provided that, albeit...)
FANBOYS (for, and, neither/nor, but, or, yet, so)
Independent vs dependent clauses.
Adverb clauses.
Adjective clauses.
Noun clauses.
Advanced countable vs noncountable.
Reading Skills Covered:
Deploying different reading skills for different types of reading passages.
What to read and what to skip or skim.
How to identify the main idea.
How to decipher an author's purpose.
How to perform deductive reasoning.
How to apply grammar skills to improve reading comprehension.
How to become an active reader vs a passive reader.
Which SAT is the easiest (the month)?
Simply take as many as you can! SAT tests are not high-quality assessments. I know this sounds crazy, but I assure you it is true. I have taught SAT for 11 years and witnessed frequent drastic point difference for the same students within a short period of time, and the change is not due to test prep; it is because SAT tests are not accurate in terms of question difficulties and grading scales. The best way to beat the system is to take it many times and try your luck. Moreover, most private schools allow you to super score. Why not?
How do I improve my SAT score from 1480 to 1550+? I took the December 1, 2018 test and I studied really hard for it, aiming for the high 1500s, but I got a score of 1480 (6 wrong reading, 1 wrong writing, 2 wrong math).
Step 1: take multiple times because many schools will super score your SAT. It is very likely you can score 780–800 on math.
Step 2: identify the types of mistakes you made. Only drill on those.
if you take a pinpointed approach, you should be able to get around 1550.
I missed 1 question on the SAT and got a 1530. Was there a scoring mistake?
SAT is a scaled test; its goal is that the same student should score the same when taking different versions of SAT tests. To accomplish that, each mistake counts differently for different tests. However, overall, the end results have been highly questionable: the same student can score up and down 100 points easily for different SAT tests. I have had many students with great score disparities.
Here is my recommendation: take at least 3 times. Colleges will either take the highest or super score - combine your highest math and highest English together from different SAT tests.
What positive or negative experiences have you had with the SAT?
The positive is you can take it multiple times and many schools will super score them. The negative is SAT tests are not accurate assessments in general.
How much do SAT/ACT scores matter when applying to elite universities? Unless they're alarmingly low, will they have a negligible impact? They've been proven to weakly correlate with college performance, especially after passing a certain threshold.
SAT and ACT scores are often used either as an initial filter or as a part of composite academic scores. For example, if your SAT score is below 1,400, you are most likely filtered out by many top schools. Why would the top schools want to enroll a student with a low SAT score when the average is about 1,450 - 1,500? Another example, UCs often put your SAT score together with GPA… into a computer system that will generate your initial composite academic level like 5, 4, 3…UC Berkeley, and UCLA will most likely take level 5 students only.
So SAT and ACT scores matter.
What is the biggest failing of the SAT general test?
Poor test quality is the biggest failing of the SAT test. As a standardized college entrance test, the SAT test must meet certain requirements:
1.Score representation is consistent, meaning 700 on the January test = 700 on the November test. SAT scores are highly inconsistent.
2.Grading is consistent, meaning 5 mistakes yielding 700 on January test = 5 mistakes yielding 700 on the November test. Today, 1 mistake could take down 50 points on the January test and 10 points on the November test.
3.Not susceptible to test prep significantly, meaning students would score more or less with/without test prep. Today, a high quality SAT prep can kill the score. I can easily teach students to score very high on the SAT, whereas it is much more difficult to improve students’ ACT scores significantly.
Comparing to ACT, SAT is a lower quality test.
Are points added/taken away from a student's SAT score due to their race? If so, why?
Yes, of course!
Why are so many people are in denial mode? Let’s face it.
That is why there has been an Asian Americans Harvard Lawsuit going on for years. Based on the researches done by some non-profit organizations, to be accepted by top schools, Asian students have to score 1500+-, whereas Hispanic and African Americans only need 1350+-.
Top private colleges like Harvard, MIT, and Stanford… have a quota system to limit the number of Asian students, which is somewhat FAIR.
If there is no quota system, maybe 40%+- of students at top private colleges are Asian, which is severely detrimental to campus diversity. For example, UC Berkeley and UCLA have about 40% of Asian students because they do not have a race-based quota system. The quota for Asian at top colleges are typically around 10–20%, which is significant considering Asian being only 5.6% of the US population.
In summary, your SAT scores will be + and - based on your race in many top colleges that have a race-based quota system for admission.
What was the SAT score you used to get into Stanford if you can share and how did you study for that?
SAT score itself may only count 10% of weight when applying to Stanford. The more important factors are GPA, AP scores, SAT subject scores, activities, school recommendation letters, and your essays.
You will be automatically disqualified if your SAT is below 1,400. Also, your SAT score will weigh less if you have a combination like 650 in English and 800 in math. The basic requirement is 700+ in both the English and math sections.
I had one student admitted to Stanford last year. Her SAT score was 1520. She is a very nice girl and did a competitive boat race for many years. She got in.
Another student got rejected with an SAT score of 1580, 12 AP classes…This student was super-advanced in school with an egotistical disposition. His father was a Stanford professor; I guess his school teacher did not speak highly of him as a person. That is probably why this high achiever failed his Stanford dream.
I got a 1490 on the SAT and am a junior in high school. Should I retake the SAT if I want to apply to Brown and Vassar?
It depends on your race and other tests. If you are Asian, then maybe try to take a couple more time. If not, then try to work on your GPA, SAT subject tests, and AP exams. You only have so much time in junior high. Investment in SAT may not give you the best return since your SAT 1490 already meets the Ivy League requirement. There isn’t a significant difference between 1490 and 1520. However, having another 800 on the SAT subject test or 5 on the AP exam will make the difference. Good luck!
Is 700 considered a good score for the SAT subject test? I am applying to mid-high tier universities. No Ivy Leagues though.
700 is barely OK. It does not add or subtract weight on your academic measurement for 50–100 ranked colleges. I would not settle for 700. It does not help and may backfire.
What guessing strategy is the best on exams?
Different skills for different expectations; the higher you want to score, the less you want to guess. For example, I do not allow my students guessing on SAT if they plan to score 700+ on English. If they only want 650-, I will teach them how to guess.
How common is cheating on the SATs?
It is easy to cheat on the SAT. Many tutoring centers will sell SAT tests and answers to students at a price of $10,000-$100,000. Here is how they cheat. They will have a student on the east coast take SAT and send pictures over to California. Then they will have multiple tutors work on different sections of the SAT. Last, they will send the test and answers to the students who paid.
It is not common, but some of my students were offered. Not sure if they took.
Is a sat subject test score of 670 on biology e test worth submitting to UC Irvine?
Subject tests are expected to be 750+- in general because you are allowed to make multiple mistakes and still score 800. Therefore, 670 is unlikely to add weight for any quality college applications including UC Irvine.
通过我们大学规划申请的服务,基本上100% 的学生都能够进入理想的大学。我们学生常考入的初中和高中: Harker, Menlo School, Castilleja, Crystal Spring, Nueva, Sacred Heart at Atherton, Pinewood...我们学生常考入的大学: Stanford, UIUC, Emory, UC Berkley, UCLA, UC San Diego, UC Irvine, NYU, Purdue, UT Austin, Washington University, Yale...
招生官按照什么顺序阅读大学申请文书? 以下是我们对美国精英私立大学的招生官通常如何阅读申请材料的理解:
美国大学有公立的,也有私立的。通常提供文学、科学和专业课程,包括大学部和研究所,可以一直读到博士学位 (文理学院大部分只有大学本科)。一般而言,大学通常学生人数很多。
How often can colleges detect white lies on applications? Does it instantly invalidate the applicant?
It is extremely difficult to detect lies in college applications. That is why & how many college counseling companies taking advantage of the admission systems. Many Chinese college counseling companies will do all kinds of stuff to “trick” colleges; for example:
an engineering patent for a high schooler
some kind of charity foundation formed under a student’s name
working experience with a well-known politician
There are many college counseling companies that will guarantee students top college admission for a hefty price: $50,000, $120,000, $500,000 for different levels of services. Read this article: How to Get
Into an Ivy League College—Guaranteed
Into an Ivy League College—Guaranteed
I detest these companies because:
it fostered a culture of cheating on college admission in Chinese communities.
it ruins students’ life. Many students who went to top colleges had to face 2 options afterward: 1. continue cheating by paying people doing their homework…in colleges 2. drop out of colleges.
Nevertheless, I do not think you need to worry about these companies and students because they will all become losers in the end. The top 3 “college counseling companies” in the SF Bay Area each had about 10 locations prior to 2017/2018. All of them are closing doors left and right in 2018/2019. In addition, many of these students are losers in real life. I worked with a top university graduate on his graduate application (Chinese). His writing skills were definitely below the high school level. Imagine how / what his boss will question him in a real working environment.
3.6 UW GPA and 1540 SAT score with a leadership role in a club and a job. Are my chances good for USC?
It depends on:
1.Your race. If you are Hispanic or black, then yes. You have a shot.
2.If you have a lot of AP classes in that 3.6 UW GPA, maybe. It will depend on how you present in your essays.
3.Your major. If you apply to majors that are not popular at USC, then maybe, or if you apply to majors that do not require academic rigor, then maybe. For example, if you apply to a music major, 3.0 may do the trick.
I had a Hispanic student accepted by UCLA with a 3.1 GPA for music major before.
Are points added/taken away from a student's SAT score due to their race? If so, why?
Yes, of course!
Why are so many people are in denial mode? Let’s face it.
That is why there has been an Asian Americans Harvard Lawsuit going on for years. Based on the researches done by some non-profit organizations, to be accepted by top schools, Asian students have to score 1500+-, whereas Hispanic and African Americans only need 1350+-.
Top private colleges like Harvard, MIT, and Stanford… have a quota system to limit the number of Asian students, which is somewhat FAIR.
If there is no quota system, maybe 40%+- of students at top private colleges are Asian, which is severely detrimental to campus diversity. For example, UC Berkeley and UCLA have about 40% of Asian students because they do not have a race-based quota system. The quota for Asian at top colleges are typically around 10–20%, which is significant considering Asian being only 5.6% of the US population.
In summary, your SAT scores will be + and - based on your race in many top colleges that have a race-based quota system for admission.
What was the SAT score you used to get into Stanford if you can share and how did you study for that?
SAT score itself may only count 10% of weight when applying to Stanford. The more important factors are GPA, AP scores, SAT subject scores, activities, school recommendation letters, and your essays.
You will be automatically disqualified if your SAT is below 1,400. Also, your SAT score will weigh less if you have a combination like 650 in English and 800 in math. The basic requirement is 700+ in both English and math sections.
I had one student admitted to Stanford last year. Her SAT score was 1520. She is a very nice girl and did a competitive boat race for many years. She got in.
Another student got rejected with an SAT score of 1580, 12 AP classes…This student was super-advanced in school with an egotistical disposition. His father was a Stanford professor; I guess his school teacher did not speak highly of him as a person. That is probably why this high achiever failed his Stanford dream.
How common is cheating on the SATs?
It is easy to cheat on the SAT. Many tutoring centers will sell SAT tests and answers to students at a price of $10,000-$100,000. Here is how they cheat. They will have a student on the east coast take SAT and send pictures over to California. Then they will have multiple tutors work on different sections of the SAT. Last, they will send the test and answers to the students who paid.
It is not common, but some of my students were offered. Not sure if they took.
I was admitted to UIUC, UCLA, UVA, and UC San Diego for computer science. Which one has the best CS undergraduate program and the quality of students?
UCLA is the obvious choice. I have a master's degree in CS. Undergraduate study in CS is relatively easy, so you do not need beautiful weather to relax. The most important is how and where you will get your first job after graduation. The pay level you can get from your first job often sets the tone for your future. People often go higher from there. If your first job offer is $100,000, then it is highly likely you will be making $150,000-$200,000 five years later. California is the state that has that level of pays. Graduating from UCLA will help you land the first $100,000 job.
I got a 1490 on the SAT and am a junior in high school. Should I retake the SAT if I want to apply to Brown and Vassar?
It depends on your race and other tests. If you are Asian, then maybe try to take a couple more time. If not, then try to work on your GPA, SAT subject tests, and AP exams. You only have so much time in junior high. Investment in SAT may not give you the best return since your SAT 1490 already meets the Ivy League requirement. There isn’t a significant difference between 1490 and 1520. However, having another 800 on the SAT subject test or 5 on the AP exam will make the difference. Good luck!
Which US universities can I get into with SAT 1420 (800 math), SAT subject test (math level 2-800, physics-790), IELTS score 7.5?
It seems like you are applying as an international student. If that is the case, your SAT score is very typical: high on math and low on English. SAT 1420 is just OK for students from Asia but pretty good for students from other countries. If you are from Asia, around 50+- ranked schools are most likely for you. Of course, you can / should try to apply to higher-ranked schools.
Also, this is largely depending on your entire application quality. Good essays from you and recommendations from your teachers are just as important as your SAT scores. Besides SAT scores, you may need AP exam scores, which are very important if you apply to 25+- ranked schools. As you can see, the SAT 1420 is not as critical as you think. However, SAT 1420 will not add credit to your applications for the schools you want to apply to.
Can I get into Ivy Leagues with a SAT score of 1420, a GPA of 4 , SAT subject test in math and physics-800 being a professional soccer player?
Likely. This question needs to be addressed by the coaches at those schools. If they need players and some specific positions which you are good at, you have a very good chance. Bypass admission, contact coaches first.
How unique was your college admissions essay?
I saw a post early about how bored admission officers are about good essays. I think that option is incorrect.
Good essays are:
1.matches your school file and teachers’ recommendation letters.
2.answer the prompts.
3.well written.
If not# 1, you are not honest.
if not#2, you either do not care or are poor at writing.
if not#3, who wants to read garbages?
It is not about how unique, it is #1,2,3 first. If unique, better for you.
Is a 1460 (790M, 670 R&W) good enough for Berkeley and UCLA engineering? I am an international applicant from India. Other than this, I have near perfect scores on 3 subjects in SAT and 4s and 5s on 4 STEM AP.
You have a shot: not a good chance, but worth trying. FYI, even with your SAT above 1,500, your chance is not greatly improved simply because you are applying for Berkeley and UCLA Engineering. Your real opportunity is because you are an international student, so you only need to compete with international students who are typically weaker in English.
How does Crystal Springs Uplands School Middle School and High School compare to Nueva School which has recently added a high school?
Crystal Spring is a more traditional school, which focuses more on academic excellence NOW; whereas Nueva looks for potential. For example, Nueva uses IQ tests for lower and middle school enrollment measurements, and Crystal Spring will weight on the ISEE test result more.
I have prepared many students and helped them with private school applications. Nueva is willing to take students based on potential and other non-academic strengths. Crystal Spring is less likely.
My students who got into Crystal Spring are typically hardworking, highly advanced academically, and disciplined. Those who got into Nueva often possess less academic achievement at that moment, however, great potential.
In terms of teaching, Crystal Spring is more traditional as well. Nueva is very “new” - project-based.
If your child likes a more conservative environment, Crystal is a better choice; if not, Nueva is better.
Should I save money for my kids college, or should I encourage them to work and pay for their own education?
There is no way for your child to make enough money to pay for their college education; however, if they have really good grades…, it is highly likely they can get some sort of scholarship, which is the best way of paying for their education.
For example, I have a couple of students who received $100,000+- scholarship for 2019 Fall admission.
How do I make myself stand out on college applications if I am not unique or special, I haven’t done anything too interesting, and I’m a pretty average individual?
You are special. Only less than 0.1% of students have something that is truly special. The majority have hidden “special” to be uncovered and presented. For example, I had a Hispanic student who had a 3.6 GPA, 24 ACT…and felt hopeless to apply to good colleges, but in the end, she was accepted by many good colleges. She seemed very average; however, we were able to find things special about her: living with her grandmother to take care of her, working in the summer to support herself, improving her ACT from 24 to 28 through hard-working, volunteering to help hurricane victims…
Please find things special about yourself.
How can I increase my chances of getting into a good college if my HS freshman and sophomore year GPA is low?
Try to turn your weakness, low GPA at 9th and 10th grade, into your application strength.
There are 3 steps:
1.improve your GPA in both regular semesters and the summer schools; summer courses can be critical because they can improve your GPA and manifest your determination to turn things around.
2.Have a higher SAT/ACT score than your relative GPA. For example, if your GPA is 3.0, your relative SAT score is probably 1,000. If you can score 1,300 on the SAT, you will be able to increase your composite academic score.
3.Explain your improvement on college applications.
These are the 3 things you can easily do to turn things around. Good luck!
Which US universities can I get into with SAT 1420 (800 math), SAT subject test (math level 2-800, physics-790), IELTS score 7.5?
It seems like you are applying as an international student. If that is the case, your SAT score is very typical: high on math and low on English. SAT 1420 is just OK for students from Asia but pretty good for students from other countries. If you are from Asia, around 50+- ranked schools are most likely for you. Of course, you can / should try to apply to higher-ranked schools.
Also, this is largely depending on your entire application quality. Good essays from you and recommendations from your teachers are just as important as your SAT scores. Besides SAT scores, you may need AP exam scores, which are very important if you apply to 25+- ranked schools. As you can see, the SAT 1420 is not as critical as you think. However, SAT 1420 will not add credit to your applications for the schools you want to apply to.
Some colleges ask you to summit all the test scores, what if you took both ACT and SAT and you don't like your ACT score, can I just sent in my highest SAT score only? Will colleges know I took other tests and only report the best scores?
They will know. If they require you to send all tests, please send all; otherwise, you would be disqualified automatically.
I wanted to ask something about the SAT reading and writing section. I got 790 from math and 480 from reading and writing. I need at least 750. I am an international student. What should I do? How can I improve my score?
If you are Chinese, I can probably help you. My Wechat: zhini2001.
Can I get into Ivy Leagues with a SAT score of 1420, a GPA of 4 , SAT subject test in math and physics-800 being a professional soccer player?
Likely. This question needs to be addressed by the coaches at those schools. If they need players and some specific positions which you are good at, you have a very good chance. Bypass admission, contact coaches first.
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